Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet And CookbooK
This book, Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet and Cookbook, is written for the many people who are suffering with arthritis or rheumatism, as the old folks called it, today as well as a condition called degenerative arthritis, and who would like to know why they have this crippling disease. As you walk through this book, you are going to discover the causes, symptoms and possible cures for rheumatoid arthritis and degenerative arthritis. You are going to learn how to manage arthritis if you have it and also how to keep from acquiring any kinds of arthritis if you don't have it. In other words, this book is going to be a very valuable tool for everyone, as we all have the potential of having this terrible crippling disease called arthritis.
My sister suffers terribly with arthritis and it has affected her knees so badly that she has had several surgeries on her knees, but the surgeries have not irradiated the pain. The arthritis she has is now in her lower back with so much pain she is suffering day and night. Her doctors have finally told her that there was nothing else they could do for her and she would just have to manage the pain. Their idea of managing the pain is for her to take some form of painkiller. She has never mentioned any natural cures or relief that her doctor has recommended, and I think that very odd and negligent on the doctor's part of her treatment.
I am distressed over her pain and the discomfort it is causing her so I decided to do some research on arthritis to see if I could come up with some natural cures and management for her pain.
After researching arthritis, I believe that your diet plays a very important role in every aspect of your health and this includes arthritis. I hope my research on arthritis will help people all over the world regain their health and their control over living a long and happy pain free life.
In any disease we must treat the body as a whole living organ. So to fight arthritis we must get control over our body through diet, nutrition and exercise. To accomplish this goal we must go over our diet and lifestyle to see if we are eating or doing something to hinder us from being in our very best health.
So let us begin by learning all we can about arthritis, what it is and how we can help our body in its fight against any disease.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
In the disease of rheumatoid arthritis there is chronic inflammation in the synovial membrane and periarticular structures. It is characterized by atrophy and rarefaction of the bones. When you first notice the disease you will probably experience some migratory swelling and stiffness in your joints. Since arthritis affects your collagen substance of your connective tissue, we are looking at a disease that could be called a collagen disease.
It seems that rheumatoid arthritis is more prevalent in women than men, and occurs more likely in the temperate zone but rare in the tropics. It seems to have some inherited roots as it can run in families.
There is really no known cause for the disease of rheumatoid arthritis but this disease has been
the focus of many studies and the following interesting facts have been presented
Shock. If you have suffered a severe emotional shock such as a death in the family, a difficult
job, surgery, or business failure, this could bring on an attack of arthritis.
Heredity. This disease has a tendency to run in the offspring of persons with arthritis
Exposure. Being exposed to wet, damp, and cold conditions can bring about attacks of arthritis
Trauma. If you have damaged a joint you could very well develop arthritis
Fatigue. Prolonged physical or mental activity in which you become overtired can bring about an attack of arthritis.
Hormones. Some disturbance in your hormone balance could bring about an attack of arthritis. It has been proven that a person with arthritis has the condition lessen when they become pregnant.
Food Allergies. Food allergies could very well be one of the culprits in bringing on attacks of arthritis.
Chronic Low Grade Infection. You may experience a chronic low grade infection which might lead to your having a bacterial invasion of some kind.
Even though all these subjects have been studied, it has not been determined within a shadow of a doubt which of them is causing your attacks of arthritis. An arthritis patient can often determine when the onset of their attacks began by have a disturbance in their equilibrium after the following:
Acute Infection
Emotional Strain
Exposure To Cold
Degenerative Arthritis
Degenerative arthritis is much like its partner rheumatoid arthritis but here are some very plain differences. Degenerative arthritis will display the following symptoms:
Absence Of Inflammatory Swelling
Disease Does Not Spread But Remains In A General Area Or Joint
Increased Deposits Of Calcium Around The Joints
History Of Tonsillitis Followed By Acute History Of Arthritis With Fever and Swelling Of Joints
Less Fever and Less Sweating As In Rheumatic
Less Cardiac Involvement as In Rheumatic
Your doctor will look for the following conditions in :degenerative arthritis
You Are Most Likely To Be In Your Fifth And Sixth Decades
You Are Usually Overweight
Your Arthritis Is Mostly In Your Knees, Spine And Fingers
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